McNulty Water PUD

Project Completed: Ongoing

McNulty Water PUD

McNulty Water People’s Utility District (PUD) is a quasi-municipal water provider serving residents in Warren, Oregon, and surrounding communities, dedicated to providing reliable and safe drinking water. Since 2014, our team has provided engineering and other support services on over 30 projects for McNulty, and we are currently its Engineer of Record. Throughout the partnership, our GIS specialists have upheld McNulty’s system spatial data by developing, populating, and maintaining it. Additionally, we have provided various GIS services, including resiliency planning, meter mapping, and easement mapping. 

An image of GIS map of the McNulty Water People’s Utility District


Our GIS department converted the existing system features from historical CAD drawings and as-built drawings provided by our land surveying crews. We then imported tabular data from McNulty’s database and joined it with the existing spatial data. After completing the base system, our team worked with our land surveyors to conduct a field survey of all the water meters in the system by pairing the Esri ArcGIS Online and Collector app with a Trimble GPS unit. While in the field, we utilized the app to collect attributes and photos and uploaded the features to McNulty’s ArcGIS Online account. Our final deliverable was a geodatabase, which McNulty staff use daily to track their assets.

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