AKS’ Sam Zamudio OSU Outstanding Student Award

Sam Zamudio Receives OSU Outstanding Student Award from Oregon Society of American Foresters (OSAF)

Congratulations to our own Sam Zamudio who was recently recognized with the Oregon State University (OSU) Outstanding Student Award from the OSU Chapter of the Society of American Foresters (SAF)!  The award is presented annually to an OSU forestry student who is an active member in SAF and serves in a  leadership role. Sam accepted the award at the OSAF virtual Annual Meeting on October 8, 2020.

Sam served as Student Chapter Vice-President and was responsible for coordinating the SAF Career Fair.  “Sam brought incredible energy and flair to his leadership of the student chapter, which was fully on display as he oversaw the student chapter’s participation in the Career Fair,” said OSAF Awards Committee Co-Chair Tim Keith. “He is a motivational leader to get folks involved, to keep things moving forward and organized, and to spread enthusiasm about the chapter and the profession.”

AKS is proud of Sam’s achievement and happy to have him as part of our team in Keizer. Sam graduated in June 2020 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Forestry and joined AKS shortly thereafter.

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